22 Ottobre 2024


15-09-2021 17:00 - Archive


We went beyond the rosiest forecasts of the eve, for the race organized by Aci Livorno Sport with the convinced contribution of the entire Elban community.
The race, scheduled from 23 to 25 September, has confirmed its validity for the FIA ​​European Championship and for the Italian Championship and will see the best of Italian and continental rally racing at the start.
Also on the program are “sport regularity” and “average regularity”, essential appointments for lovers of the discipline, in addition to the A112 Abarth Trophy, the “Memory Fornaca” and the Michelin Historic Rally Cup.
Great attention will be paid to health regulations, the general safety of the event and also to the "ecological" part.

Livorno, 15 September 2021 - It's a record. Record number of entries in the XXXIII Rallye Elba Storico-Trofeo Locman Italy, a result that - having closed the entry protocol on 11 September - scored a total of 215 entries. This is an important fact, which confirms the great appreciation for the race by those who run and also confirms the great vitality of historic rallies. In addition to reiterating the high value that the event has for the whole island as well as for motorsport.

Scheduled from 23 to 25 September, the race will be the seventh of the nine rounds of the FIA ​​European Championship (FIA HSRC) as well as the seventh and penultimate round of the National race (CIRAS) and also includes "sport regularity" competitions (VIII Regularity Sport) and of "average regularity" (XXXIII Elba Graffiti), the always indispensable appointments for lovers of the discipline. The XXXIII Elba Graffiti - Locman Italy Trophy is also a qualifying test for admission to the final phase of the "2021 FIA Trophy for Historic Regularity Rallies".

At the start there will be again the A112 Abarth Trophy, the Memory Fornaca and the Michelin Historic Rally Cup. In the queue there will also be two exclusive catwalks, those reserved for Porsche and Maserati owners, who will have the opportunity to transit on the roads of the race, the streets of myth. Virtually all the greatest performers of the various championships are registered, ready to challenge each other in two days of great effect.

In detail, the 215 entrants are distributed as follows: 62 entered in the European Championship, 39 entered in the Italian Championship and 20 in the A112 Trophy. To these are added 27 “average” regularity members and as many “sport” regularities, in addition to the 40 registered at the Porsche and Maserati rally.

A unique territory for a unique race. It could be a slogan to talk about the Rallye Elba, a race that has always identified the territory and that has always been an ambassador for it not only at national level. Tourism and sport hand in hand, for the Island of Elba which despite being a place of great tourist attraction for its beauties, its people have always understood the Rallye as one of the peculiarities, certainly to be included in the "package" of offer to stay on the island. As the "modern" race opens the tourist season in spring, the "historic" one closes it at the end of September, concrete examples of tourism and sport.

"Our competition is undoubtedly among the most coveted from a purely sporting point of view, the numbers speak for themselves every year - says Luciano Fiori, president of ACI Livorno Sport - but the added value is the fact that, like few others, it allows us to combine sport and holidays, sport and territory. All this comes to constantly produce a value of about 5 million euros, with the incoming generated by emotional tourism, the one linked to the event itself. We are fortunate to be able to work with a territory that thinks of all this and wants the Rallye event to remain so over time and indeed, every year from the local administrations we have more and more strong stimuli as well as from the economic operators of the tourism sector, from the fabric sports island up to the citizens. For everyone, the Rallye is a priceless treasure that identifies the island on an international level and therefore must be preserved. Let us remember then that the ACI has among its institutional tasks the enhancement of car sport, because it is also culture, as well as a teacher of life ".

An event of this magnitude requires a strong commitment to both active and passive safety. At the service of the organization there are people who work for this all year round, they also work for other events and bring their experience to the rallies on Elba. Every detail is analyzed in order to have safe routes both for those who run and for those who attend the competitions and for this reason we always work in concert with the local administrations, with the Police Headquarters and the Prefecture, from which there is always wide openness, respect and consideration. reciprocal. With all the bodies, Aci Livorno Sport, in the pre-match period, organizes work and discussion tables to verify the feasibility of designing a path instead of another, of involving one area instead of another, considering all the various facets and peculiarities both of the place and of the time range, so that the rally is not disturbing, it is not too invasive, but it is a pleasure to have it also in front of the house. As already happened last year, all the health regulations dictated by the federal protocol for the anti-contagion containment from Covid 19 will be respected to the letter, the past edition (one of the few races organized in an Italian and international calendar decimated by the pandemic) was served to understand how to operate, this year's edition will be that of confirming the work done.

Particular attention is then given to the "post-race", with large teams of people in charge, already from the day after the race, to clean up and fix the roads that have been the subject of the rally. It is a strong consideration of the ecological impact that the race has on the environment that embraces it: the island of Elba is an uncontaminated "favor", it must remain as it is "delivered" to the race. An onerous and tiring job, but necessary, because the island is part of the rally and the beauty of it is also that given by the places crossed.

The Rallye Elba Storico is one of the best known Italian races in the world, which is why every year ACI Livorno Sport always works with commitment to give new stimuli and encourage the participation of drivers and teams. Three days of challenges have been conceived again, with a total of 9 Special Stages, "historic" tracks, which have seen exciting and epic sporting feats on more than one occasion.
The course, of course, is derived from tradition, for this year special stages have been taken from the 2020 and 2019 editions, a mix certainly of indisputable technical value. For the first stage we have chosen to travel the streets in the eastern part of the island, for the second we will focus on the central-western area, therefore around the famous "Monte Perone", a choice certainly inspired to make the comparison fascinating and compelling. sports but also and above all not to be too invasive with the territory and not to give difficulties to the daily life of the territory.
The Rallye has 133,350 competitive kilometers, which is 30.04% of the entire distance which is 443,940.

From 2011 the general logistics passed to Capoliveri, finding a functional and extremely exclusive location and strong of these assumptions ACI Livorno Sport designed the 2021 edition with nothing changed as regards the logistics: the Headquarters of the event is confirmed, in Capoliveri , at the functional and exclusive facilities of the Hotel Elba International, an exclusive location overlooking the Gulf of Porto Azzurro, where the Race Direction, the Secretariat and the Press Room will be organized. The Assistance Park area will also be organized in Porto Azzurro.


Wednesday 22.09.2021
15: 00-22: 00 Reconnaissance

Thursday 23.09.2021
09: 00-17: 00 Reconnaissance
11: 00-16: 00 Technical checks and punching session for tires and other components
20:00 Departure Ceremony
21:00 Departure of Stage 1 / CO 0
10:25 pm Entrance to rearrangement 2 / CO 1C - Closed Park

Friday 24.09.2021
08:30 am Exit reorder 2 / CO 1D
19:05 End of Stage 1 / CO 4C - Closed Park

Saturday 25.09.2021
07:50 am Departure of Stage 2 / CO 4D
17:30 Final arrival and award ceremony


# RallyeElbaStorico2021 #TrofeoLocmanItaly #Locman #ElbaGraffiti #AciLivorno #FIAHSRC #CIRAS #autostoriche #rallystorici #rally #motorsport # #elba #isoladelba #italy #mare #sea #elbaisland #skyide #tuscany #island beach #amazing

Aci Livorno Sport ASD
Via Verdi 32 - 57126 Livorno
tel. 0039 (0) 586 898435
fax 0039 (0) 586 205937

FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/RallyeElba
TWITTER https://twitter.com/RallyeElba

MGTCOMMUNICATION - Alessandro Bugelli studio

Source: Press Office

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