27 Luglio 2024

The Rallye Elba Storico-Trofeo Locman Italy makes twenty-five

04-07-2013 10:30 - Archive
From 19 to 21 September next, as usual valid for the European Championship and the Italian historic rallies.
The Rallye Elba Storico-Trofeo Locman Italy makes twenty-five
Real identity for the entire island, the race this year comes to a considerable achievement confirming itself as one of the most prominent events on an international scale.

The program also includes the "Graffiti", essential event for experts of regularity rallies which was confirmed valid for European title.

The route revised for some difficulties surfaced on the state of the roads, it is confirmed with 14 special stages and a higher percentage of distance competitive than transfers than in the past.

To mark it in the diaries, the Rallye Elba Storico for many, from the enthusiast driver, the attendant in the work, is a constant for years. The 2013 is no exception to this practice and indeed, the date will be marked to distinguish a stretch. One that goes 19 to 21 September, at the end of the summer classical position adequate to support the extension of the tourist season on the largest island of the Tuscan archipelago will be one more reason to lead the island. It means living by a real exciting milestone reached by Rallye, his twenty-five editions, savor the feelings, the passion. History. A sporting history, among the most exciting in the world.

A quarter of a century that will be celebrated as the tenth round of the 2013 FIA European Historic Rally Championship and penultimate of the 2013 Italian Championship, while the part of "Graffiti" will be valid again for the FIA Trophy for Regularity Rallies (the fifth of the seven races on the 2013 calendar), in practice the continental championship, the evolution of regularity "classic" vault certainly more competitive sport where rankings are to make passage controls and average tests.

The classic, indispensable, rendez-vous proposed by ACI Livorno Sport - organizer and promoter of the event - after having celebrated last year the XXV edition of the "Graffiti" regularity is thus now preparing to renew the celebrations for the rally. It will do so by presenting it on the international scene with a garment in the magazine, obviously derived from the tradition of an event that every year is a unique edition.

Strong broad consensus obtained from competitors, enthusiasts and insiders (seven nations represented among the competitors, around 7000 units recorded movement of these various roles with the event last year), ACI Livorno Sport drew the 2013 edition ready to consolidate the high quality offered in the past editions. Since 2011 the headquarters moved in Capoliveri, where also for the fourth straight year will be disputed a special test, inside the village. The Rallye Elba will also touch Porto Azzurro, in the same place touched last year by the modern rally. Porto Azzurro so will host the regroupment between the first special stage, "Volterraio-Falconaia" and the second "Capoliveri", like confirmation of the active involvement of all the administrations of the territory. Why is understood as the Rallye is own of the territory but also "for the territory", which promotes the image, communication and also the economic fallout with the emotional tourism, the island that resulted from the event itself.
Nothing changed, compared to the two previous editions, with regard to the logistics of the rally: the headquarters of the event is confirmed in Capoliveri, functional facilities at the Hotel Elba International, exclusive location that admires the Gulf of Porto Azzurro, where they will be organized the Race Direction, the Secretariat and the Press.

Competition, exciting duels with the cars that have made the history of street racing, but also culture. These have always been the inspiration of the race for which, this year, we have worked with passion to make it even more exciting and fascinating. In fact, for this rally where just the name is a guarantee of success (the Rallye Elba is one of the most famous Italian races in the world), ACI Livorno Sport, once more provided three days of challenges, with a total of 14 special stages and two more than in 2012. Paths are "historic", which have seen more than one occasion sporting feats a strong impact.
Following the philosophy of constant innovation to not disappoint the expectations of him that run, but also as an argument to achieve increasingly ambitious goals, the Organizing Committee this year has to deal with the practical need of having to redraw the historical path race. A good part of the way it has been revolutionized by landslides that continue to affect the island´s roads, with particular reference to the traditional "Stage" by definition, represented by stretch ´Parata-Falconaia. Unfortunately, when designing the path the Provincial Road "Parata" was partially unusable for which you are due to find alternatives. Alternatives that are not lacking: the Rallye Elba will include a higher percentage of kilometers of special stages compared to traits transfer than in the recent past.
A new look certainly appreciated by the drivers, which will run a Rallye ready to send thrills, that will be exciting, entertaining and above all technical.

The race will start on the evening of Thursday, 19 September: from 20.00 competitors will drop from the start ramp in Piazza Matteotti in Capoliveri and will go immediately to contend with two special stages, as mentioned on the "Volterraio" and "Capoliveri." Then, the competitors will enter the regrouping night at 22,31.
The second day of competition, Friday, 20 September, which will start at 08,01, provides for another six special stages, with the final of the first leg foreseen at 16.14, again Capoliveri. The next day, Saturday 21 September, the grand finale, with a further six timed sections: the challenges will start at 08.30 and the checkered flag, yet in Capoliveri, flown in from 16.00.
In total, the rally measurement 484.860 km, of which 138.210 are timed, ie 28.51% of the distance.

The Rallye Elba is a frame. Fine. They know those who organize the side trophies and for this they come on the Island with the desire to give value to their initiatives. It is the most brilliant example the lucky A112 Abarth Trophy, which on this occasion will propose the distinction of being the only rally that will take each stage as a race apart, with clear benefit of competition and entertainment. There will also be the 2013Historic Car Rally Challenge, the "Memory Nino Fornaca" (Elba Rally will be the last event of the mini racing circuit dedicated to the memory of the unforgettable PR disappeared 16 years ago now) and the Porsche-Michelin Historic Rally Cup (also for this trophy Rally Elba will be the last act).

Locman Italy, Moby Spa, Capoliveri, Eni, Grafiche Ilca, Acqua dell´Elba, Hotel Elba International and of course the Automobile Club Livorno for the 2013 edition of the race will be at the side of the organization confirming their strong passion for sport car and especially for the Rallye Elba.


Aci Livorno Sport ASD
Via Verdi 32 - 57126 Livorno
tel. 0039 (0) 586 898435
fax 0039 (0)586 205937

FACEBOOK ww.facebook.com/RallyeElba
TWITTER https://twitter.com/RallyeElba

MGTCOMUNICAZIONE - studio Alessandro Bugelli

Source: Press Office

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